Enhance Your Analysis with Knowledge Graph

GraphAware Hume allows you to organize and structure data in a knowledge graph which is easy to understand and navigate, enabling you to gain a more holistic view of your data. With the knowledge graph in Hume, you can also make connections between seemingly unrelated data points, uncovering hidden patterns and relationships that can inform your decision-making processes.

The knowledge graph in Hume allows you to add context and meaning to your data, making it more valuable and actionable. All of these benefits contribute to the overall effectiveness of GraphAware Hume, helping you make better informed decisions and drive better outcomes.

Benefits of Knowledge Graph

  • Improved data organization and structure: A knowledge graph allows analysts to organize and structure data in a way that is easy to understand and navigate, enabling them to gain a more holistic view of the data.

  • Enhanced pattern and relationship identification: With a knowledge graph, analysts can make connections between seemingly unrelated data points, uncovering hidden patterns and relationships that can inform their decision-making processes.

  • Added context and meaning to data: A knowledge graph allows analysts to add context and meaning to their data, making it more valuable and actionable.

  • Improved overall effectiveness of analysis: The benefits of a knowledge graph contribute to the overall effectiveness of an analyst's work, helping them make better informed decisions and drive better outcomes.

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Feature Building Blocks

Schema Based

Hume's schema governs your knowledge graph and drives your search and analysis while retaining all the benefits and flexibility of Neo4j's schema-free data model.


Create multiple perspectives on the same data to cater for the exact needs of different groups of business users and to limit what people with restricted rights can access.

Virtual Relationships

All the detail may not be relevant to everybody. Create shortcuts, a.k.a. virtual relationships, from multi-hop and complex patterns to simplify your analysis.

Index Management

Hume's schema gives administrators full control over database indexes and constraints, without the need for writing a single query.

First-Class Neo4j Support

Hume is always up to date with the latest Neo4j releases and seamlessly brings the benefit of all Neo4j features to your fingertips.


Adding a layer of easy-to-configure role-based access control (RBAC) on top of Neo4j's security model, Hume makes certain all users have the appropriate level of access to knowledge graphs and the information contained within.

See what Hume can do for you - Book your live demo

Just fill in the Contact Form and our team of experts is ready to show you a live demo and answer all your questions.

What to expect:

  • A brief introduction to focus on your organisation's unique needs and requirements.
  • A live demo of Hume tailored to your specific project or domain
  • Zero commitment

Ready to try Hume after the demo?

  • Get access to a free, full-featured trial of Hume on your infrastructure all with the support of our engineers
  • Fine tune your experience and launch to production