GraphAware Blog - Orchestration

Find out what's new in the world of mission-critical graph analytics.

Extend Orchestra Python With Style

Extend Orchestra Python With Style

28 Jul 2022 by Fabio Montagna · 10 min read Hume Orchestration

Even a long journey starts with the first step. Making sense of all the data your company generates daily and all the external data sources you may need can definitely be a long journey. Hume Orchestra makes it easy to convert multiple distributed data sources into a single, connected source of truth: the knowledge graph.

Hume Orchestra Monitoring

Hume Orchestra Monitoring

12 Feb 2021 by Andrea Evangelista · 6 min read Hume Monitoring Orchestration

Enterprise Integration has existed since many, many years. Although it might seem like an old set of patterns, the reality is that more and more data silos, protocols and systems have been created in recent times which increase the need for the capabilities of an Enterprise Integration platform.